Code Runners named top development company this year in Bulgaria by Clutch.co

At Code Runners, we’re always looking for new strategies to help our clients to increase their successes. Our teams in Sofia and Amsterdam provide data services and custom software development services to companies, so they can add more value to existing and new customers.
Our customer-first approach is an important reason why our customers think we’re the best and awarded us as one of the best developers in Bulgaria. Their reviews left on Clutch are letting potential clients know that too.

Clutch recently conducted a comprehensive research on Bulgaria’s B2B companies and Code Runners is a leader for our development on projects with clients this year.
“We are proud to be recognized by Clutch as it is one of the most trustworthy software companies. One of our long-term team goals is to establish a strong company presence so that our customers and employees feel they are in good hands.” – CEO, Code Runners
We appreciate our clients taking the time to leave project feedback for us on Clutch.co and we’re looking forward to potential clients seeing what we can offer them.
Clutch’s sister sites, The Manifest and Visual Objects, help us reach new business opportunities and help our clients find the best developers, like our teams at Code Runners.
If you’re ready to step into the future of development and smart business strategies, send our team a message for a project consultation! Thank you for this award, partners!